Michael Ahn works with attorneys to use specialized storytelling techniques that compels juries to empathize and act in favor of their clients.

Using discovery, Michael constructs a story that delivers the attorney's case, and helps the attorney tell the story in a clear and compelling way.

Over 80% of case consultations have ended in acquittal, dropped or reduced charges.

Michael’s trial consultation significantly contributed to a complete acquittal in a recent homicide trial. He discovers the truth of a case which allows attorneys to incorporate that truth into compelling narratives and archetypes during jury selection, opening, witness examination and closing. Michael receives my highest recommendation and I encourage any attorney trying a case to consult with him.
— Wil Rumble, Deputy Public Defender
Michael Ahn helped me distill my story into a powerful and persuasive narrative which enabled me to present a focused, theory-centered presentation to the jury. Using Michael’s unique skills and techniques, my case evolved into a story with clarity, emotion, and impact – everything necessary for a successful trial.
— Adam Hepburn, Deputy Public Defender
Michael Ahn knows how to craft your client’s story so that it is presented in a compelling way to the jury. A great consultant prior to trial!
— Elliott H. Jung, Deputy Public Defender, Office of the Primary Public Defender
Michael’s storytelling techniques helped me focus the jury’s attention on what was important. Michael was especially useful for framing what originally seemed like weaknesses as some of our biggest narrative strengths.
— Matthew Cuthbertson, Deputy Public Defender
Michael’s storytelling techniques helped me persuade the jury and ultimately won my case - my client was acquitted of all charges.
— Olesya Adams, Deputy Public Defender

Attorney references available on request.